The Timing of Mobile Telecommunication Innovation and Operational Licensing Regulatory Delay 移动通信创新的时机选择和牌照发放的规制延迟
According to the characters of the passenger flow distribution on traffic line after an operational delay, this paper establishes a model to compute the data of passenger transportation influenced by operational delay, and proposes some organization methods for passengers and trains. 基于延误产生后的城市轨道交通线路上的客流分布特点建立模型,并提出了运行延误对客流输送影响的相关计算指标,通过实例分析,产生了一些对车站客流组织工作的相应建议。
To keep the stability of operational point of equipment, we should take effective measure to delay the deviation of it, pay high attention to the test of the state of equipment, avoid unnecessary stop, extend the operational cycle of equipment. 为保持设备工况点的稳定,根据设备磨损、腐蚀规律在设备管理中应采取有效措施延缓设备工况点偏移,注意对设备状态进行监测,避免不必要的停机,延长设备运行周期。
The practice indicates that such flexible and convenient operational system can satisfy the delay time test of high precision ignition unit. 实用表明,该系统操作灵活、方便,能满足高精度引火元件的延时测试要求。
Train Operational Delay Simulation System for Urban Mass Transit 轨道交通列车运行延误仿真系统研究
Since most elements of the Fourier integration operational matrix and Fourier delay operational matrix are zero, the computation is more simple. 由于Fourier积分运算矩阵和滞后运算矩阵中的大多数元都是零元涸此计算特别简单。
On Rail Passenger Flow Influenced by Train Operational Delay 列车运行延误条件下的城市轨道交通客流研究
For different types of businesses, the banks need to duplicate the similar system, which will definitely result in high operational costs in the intermediate business, delay the coming of new products and thus critically impede the development of the intermediate business. 对于不同类型的业务,银行需要不断重复开发类似系统,这就造成银行推行中间业务的成本居高不下,新产品推出缓慢,严重阻碍了银行中间业务的发展。